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The Blue Zones are areas of the world, as identified by demographers Gianni Pes, Michael Poulain and journalist Dan Buettner, that have an outlier number of people who live longer and healthier when compared to the rest of the world. Nicoya, Costa Rica is one of those regions. In Nicoya, Dan Buettner outlined 8 reasons individuals live longer, with more years free of disease, briefly summarized below: 


  1. Long-lived individuals of Nicoya have a purpose.

  2. They drink water rich in calcium.

  3. They live with their family.

  4. They eat light at dinner. They also eat a diet rich in (purple) corn, rice and beans.

  5. They have fulfilling social networks.

  6. They do daily physical chores.

  7. They get regular sunshine.

  8. They have a rich culture of low stress.


During our adventure in Nicoya, we learned of long-lived individuals who live with their families, in their tight-knit communities, who have purpose and remain active each day. 

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community health care/socialized medicine

We visited an EBAIS medical clinic, where we were told that while home visits are offered, many older adults come into the clinic for visits, to pick up prescriptions, and for other health services. This shows that they remain active with their errands, but also touches on the medical system. They have a social medical system in Costa Rica that ensures that the needs of everyone (for the most part) in the community are met - although it is not perfect, this helps increase accessibility.


We learned that since 1869 education has been free and mandatory, which is likely a contributing factor. We learned from a historian that Nicoyan diets contain a lot of corn - from tamales, and tortillas, to fermented corn drinks. They also use holistic remedies to help treat disease, for instance, guyabano tea for cancer, and carob for anemia. Outside of diet, they value music in their culture, which is a way of de-stressing. 

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We visited a coffee plantation, where we saw the quality of produce/coffee that many people may have access to. Here the owners told us that they bring harvests into the community and hand it out. They also described the value of living with their families and told stories of the land being passed down generations. The value they put on their surroundings, the gift it gives to their community, and the quality of their food contributes to their longevity.



Finding the Key to a Long, Happy Life in Nicoya, Costa Rica

Led by John Walsh, PhD and Julia Walsh, JD

22 May 2022 to 4 June 2022

Nosara, Costa Rica + La Fortuna, Costa Rica

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